
Unit 4 of 6 | My Pets | Me and My Family | Foundation Stage – Reception

In this unit, pupils learn about different pets, how to look after them, what they look like, the noises they make. Covers Communication and Language (C&L), Mathematics (M), Physical Development (PD), Literacy (L), Expressive Arts and Design (EAD) and Understanding the World (UTW).
Fully planned, cohesive learning with great Top Banana activities and resources. 

Pupil Outcomes

  • I can use talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events. (C&L)
  • I can maintain attention, concentrate and sit quietly during appropriate activity. (C&L)
  • I can answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about my experiences and in response to stories or events. (C&L)
  • I  can show awareness of listeners’ needs and express myself effectively. (C&L)
  • I can experiment with different ways of moving. (PD)
  • I can show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements. (PD)
  • I can talk about ways to keep healthy and safe. (PD)
  • I can say the number that is one more then a given number. (M)
  • I can find one more or one less from a group of up to five objects, then ten objects. (M)
  • I can order two or three items by length or height. (M)
  • I can use everyday language to talk about size. (M)
  • I can begin to read words and simple sentences. (L)
  • I can use vocabulary and forms of speech that are increasingly influenced by my experience of books. (L)
  • I can use some clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning. (L)
  • I can attempt to write short sentences in meaningful context. (L)
  • I can make observations of animals and plants. (UTW)
  • I can select and use technology for particular purposes. (UTW)
  • I can safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function. (EAD)

Product Code: EYFSMAMF04
