
6 Lessons | Materials | Music | KS1 

This bunch of six lessons introduces pupils to a selection of musical and percussion instruments and the different materials they can be made from. It also introduces key musical terms such as beat, tempo and dynamics and looks at how different materials influence and affect these. Fully planned, cohesive lessons with super Top Banana resources.

Pupil Outcomes

  • I can name a range of musical instruments.
  • I can classify instruments by the materials they are made from.
  • I know about a range of beaters and the different materials they are made from.
  • I know how to play a range of percussion instruments.
  • I can understand the concept of beat.
  • I can identify the beat in different pieces of music.
  • I can keep the beat when accompanying pieces of music at a range of speeds.
  • I understand the concept of loud, loudest, quiet and quietest.
  • I can recognise different tempos in music.
  • I have learnt about the role of a conductor.
  • I can understand and apply the term ‘beat’.
  • I can work with others to accompany a piece of music.
  • I can start to sing in tune with some expression and control.
  • I can choose appropriate instruments to represent sounds and objects.
  • I am able to describe the sounds instruments make.

What’s Included


Product Code: KS1MUMAT10

Categories: ,

Additional information

Key Stage




Subject Area
